Jason is a member of the Papercuts. A group of equally horrible authors who meet weekly at an undisclosed location.


D. S. Colburn

Essayist and mythological science-fiction writer. Writes stories that the "occasional" Star Wars fan finds accessible. Won't go on for 13 pages about how spaceships work or give you a Wikipedia-style history of the Seven Children of Luthonai, but you will love those seven kids!


Mark Maciejewski

Humorous middle-grade author living in Seattle, Washington with his wife and four kids. His debut novel, I Am Fartacus, and the sequel, Kirkus star reviewed I Am Fartacus #2: Electric Boogerloo were released by Simon & Schuster/Aladdin.


Donna Barba Higuera

Writer. Reader. Doctor of Peepers. Eye doctor by day, writer by night--and early morning--and any breaks in between. Winner of the 2011 and 2015 Zola awards for best YA novel. Her debut novel Lupe Wong Won't Dance! is coming to a bookstore near you in 2020.


Eli Isenberg

SCBWI member, and Pacific Northwest Writers Association award finalist. She's successfully participated in NanoWrimo. Also wants you to know she's an ancient sea-witch that consumes men to prolong her immortality. Hey, everybody's got their hustle.


Maggie Adams

Harvard MFA, or something. Winner of a whole bunch of awards for YA fiction, including the Kay Snow Award, Pacific Northwest Writers Association, and a few others she probably can't remember. Annoyingly humble about all of it, and will probably kill me when she reads this bio.